
Citation :
"According to a post on KC mansion, the original storyline revolved around Buffy, Willow, and Xander.
Take a deep breathe now, and suck in all the hurt over the change, cause it's about to get worse.
The story went back to S5, basically the enjoining spell divided up the Slayer essence among Buffy, Willow, and Xander. Giles would have gotten an ep explaining why he wasn't affected, something going back
to his Ripper days.
The magic blast in 'Grave' had the additional effect of pushing the
Slayer essence Willow had gotten into Xander, leaving Buffy with the
physical traits, and leaving Xander with all the precognitive abilities. This was supposed to be a shout-out to Fray, where twins are born Slayers, the sister has all the super strength ect. and the brother has the prophetic dreams and 'slayer-sense' ect.
Don't slam your head into the wall yet, it gets even worse. (If you can locate someone from ME, feel free to slam their head into a wall)
Worse? worse than losing an already more interesting story and a Giles-centric ep that practically guaren-freakin-teed Ethan Rayne, and some of the larger dangling threads taken care of, how could it
possibly get worse you ask?
The weakness in the Slayer line was caused by the dividing of the Slayer essence, so NO new slayers will be called even if Faith dies, the knifes the Harbringers were using made it so another girl wouldn't become a potential when one died, similar to a Slayer dying.
(explaining why the FE sent a knife to kill her in prison before it had taken out all of the SITs first)
Xander would have known things that he simply couldn't have known, and been following his hunches, despite Buffy's pressuring him to stand back and let her come up with the plans (we saw some of this in the beginning, before the arc was gutted like an undersized trout) This would have resulted in his finding a corpse of one of the SITs, and taking down an agent of the First (something like sneaking up on
a Noodles-vamp and taking it down when it was about to get away I guess) and Buffy would have believed that he was working for the FE.
Willow would have been under the believe that he was being controlled, with Anya and Dawn not believing any of it, and Spike
helping Xander.
That's right, Spike's storyline would have been a part of Xander's, as opposed to everyone elses a part of his.
And Spike wouldn't have been all about Buffy, he would have been helping Xander because he thought it was the right thing to do. We would have seen an actual arc involving redemption, not Buffy constantly reminding people that Spike has a soul as yet another body hits the floor.
Buffy and Willow would have spent all that free time (now that she wasn't mooning over Spike, and Willow would have been ship-free)
trying to find Xander, and Xander would have used his knowledge of Buffy and Willow to narrowly escape a couple of times.
Not sure how the ending would have turned out, but the simple fact remains that a lot less time would have been spent on characters that most viewers didn't think were worth remembering their names, and a
lot more time on the core four.
A whole lot of the original plan was scrapped when MN came back, about the same time she realized there hadn't been enough shirtless Spike and decided to give a whole lot more to make up for what we missed.
I don't know how the dream(Buffy's dream in "Beneath You" the second ep of season 7) was a Slayer dream, would have worked out, but other parts of the story arc were there, and not just Xander's weird behavior.
Consider how much powerful Willow got after the enjoining spell (S4, not S5, sorry about that BTW) Before it she had trouble levitating a pencil, needed about a half an hour for any major effect to take place, or needed someone else's help (Tara and the Soda machine) All of a sudden after the spell she is much more powerful, and a lot
cockier as well.
As for "Beneath You", that is an ep that truly is a kick in the wrinklies for any Xander-fan. There was supposed to be a scene
between Anya and Xander, where he convinced her to undo the wish, and they hashed out a few of the things between them, and Xander brings up that Buffy will eventually have to come after her if she keeps up what she's doing in Sunnydale.
It was cut for the scene with Buffy and Spike in the church, which itself was changed from Spike begging forgiveness to blaming everything on Buffy.
This is all from KC's mansion, and she's been pretty dang reliable for the Xander-centric news, so I believe it.
You don't have to believe it, and I freely admit it could be wrong, but it does make a lot of sense considering all of the things that were happening early on in the season, the way that Xander and Spike were being set up as working together, politely if not friendly with each other, the tension between Xander and Willow, the way Xander was obviously sent to warm the bench by Buffy and Willow, the fact that the Bringers were always using those knives on the Potentials. Some parts were kept in for some reason (the Heart of Darkness speech, the
Extrordinary speech, Xander being the one who sees, the Lie being brought up) although IMO once the story was scrapped most of those should have gone too, since they had no point anymore and just left even more dangling threads.
As for other spoiler sources, remember, most of the others, Tensai, WTP, Spoilerslayer, AngelX, have flat out shown, if not said, they they are in for the Spike spoilers first, then Buffy, then maybe the others as an afterthought. One of the best scenes in all of S7 in many peoples opinion was the speech to Dawn at the end of 'Potential'
Which most of the other spoiler sources just put down as pretty much "Xander comforts Dawn, then the credits role."
Add to that SMG's published comments on B/X being discussed at one point; and NB's con comments on how HARD he, SMG, and MT worked on the "family" vibe in the early episodes and the idea that there was SOMETHING in the mix can't be dismissed.
Certainly the season seems disjointed; as if someone took a fairly coherent story and gutted great parts of it for no particular reason."
On ne saura peut-être jamais si c'est vrai, mais je trouve ça plutôt convainquant et ça me paraît mieux que la saison 7 qu'on a eu... Ca enlève toutes les incohérences, ça met les Scoobies de base en avant et ça semble dans la logique du début de saison... Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez ?